Saturday, May 5, 2012

Issues & Agencies

Lack of Economic Opportunity
  • According to The Center for American Progress, black men lead the unemployment surge, with an unemployment rate of 15.4 percent. This comes as a result of a range of barriers to employment, including disproportionate employment in vulnerable industries (auto and manufacturing) and labor market discrimination. Over a third of young black men ages 16 to 19 in the labor market are unemployed. In fact, a recent report found that 8 percent of black men have lost their jobs since November 2007.
  • Less of a demand for hard labor jobs, such as labor needed at the old ship yards.

Left: Trayvon Martin
Right: George Zimmerman

  • Referred to as "The American Dilemma".
  • "Racial progress ultimately depends on our common understanding that we are all one nation, indivisible- that we sink or swim together, that black poverty impoverishes us all, and that black alienation eat at the nation's soul."- Abigail & Stephan Thernstrom, authors of American in Black and White
  • It is clear racism takes place in many other races but we all know, and history tells us, that the most prominent struggle of racism deals with African Americans.
  • Racism ties into many of the other issues and stems back into African American history.
  • Treyvon Martin was a 17 year old African American boy living in Florida.  On February 26, 2012, he was walking to the liquor store and was shot and killed.  George Zimmerman, the community watch coordinator, claims there was a dispute between the two and that Martin looked suspicious.  On April 11, 2012 Zimmerman surrendered to authorities and was charged with second degree murder.
  • On April 6, 2012 there was a number of fatal shootings upon African Americans in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Two men are accused of shooting five African American, three of which were killed.  'Both killers have past ties with African Americans, which is believes to have been part of their motives for such a crime. One of the killer's father was supposedly killed by a black man.
High Incarceration Rates

  • In 2003 the New York Times reported that 12% of African American men ages 20 to 34 are in jail or prison, compared to 1.6% of similarly ages white men.  This is the highest rate ever recorded.
  • The U.S. Justice Department compiled this statistic and also reported that 28% of black men were imprisoned at some point in their lifetime. 
  • High incarceration rates means that a large percentage of black men cannot vote, because felons are stripped of the right to vote.
  • Throughout the country’s history, African Americans have had a higher rate of imprisonment than other Americans.
  • Limits African American voice in communities.
  • Incarceration rate is so high due to an increase in drop our rates  and unemployment rates among African Americans.
High Dropout Rates

  • In California in 2009, African Americans had a 37% dropout rate, while the other five socioeconomic subgroups remained at 27% or below.
  • The State superintendent believes that an increase in budget cuts has eliminated programs that will help struggling and at-risk students stay in school.
  • African Americans have a under representation in higher education and an over representation in dropouts.
  • The African American Community Service Agency is located in San Jose. It is the mission of the African American Community Service Agency (AACSA) to preserve the dignity and culture of a diverse African American Community and to provide services that promote full participation of African Americans of Santa Clara County in the general society.

  • The Bay Area Black United Fund, located in Oakland, is  a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds for community-based agencies to ensure that the needs of African Americans and other communities-of-color continue to be met.
  • Bay Area Black United Fund partners with parent centers, Boys and Girls Clubs, adoption agencies, alternative high schools, arts programs, AIDS projects/awareness programs and more.
  • The100 Black Men of the Bay Area places a important emphasis on improving the health awareness of youth in our community.  In addition, the 100 Black Men of the Bay Area works to shield African American children from violence and harmful behaviors while instilling in them the principles of community building.
  • The 100 Black Men of the Bay Area partners with other health related non-profit organizations and government agencies to promote preventative health strategies, conduct health screenings, and provide education on diseases that are prevalent in the African American community.
  • The Silicon Valley Black chamber of Commerce's mission is to economically empower and develop the African-American as well as underserved communities.The San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce (SFAACC) is one of California's most influential minority business organizations, representing and promoting African American business owners in San Francisco. Through advocacy and economic development, SFAACC is creating a firm economic base that supports the self-determination and survival of African American businesses.

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